>>All your ideas are also very good. Many thanks; Certainly, all of them are
>>not mutually compatible >>[or perhaps they are, in a true insane or
>>illuminated mind
>I'll take that as a compliment, shall I?
Of course yes ;-))
Paul Andrew
>Well what's the point of having a Big Subversive Plot if we can't have at
>least 2 or 3 of the Lunar >agencies supposed to be suppressing that sort of
>thing falling over each other ? (And more >interested in doing each other
>down than actually foiling the plot).
At this time , the players are troubled with Bevegoroi's Eyes (they don't know exactly why) because they are trying to hide their mission from them (orders from above) and the Eyes are looking for them for another reason.
>If he's planning on becoming a god (and it might be considered odd if he
>didn't !) then he will be >getting people to worship him.
Before the apotheosis?
>Then there will be the political situation with Fazzur and the Dara Happan
>faction that support >Tatius.
Yes, for me this is a separate plot at first, but I'm sure that it will be future intersections.
>And what does Pharandros really think about his father's plan?
I would say, he doesn't know a lot at this time, but he strongly dissaproves it. Of course, he could change his mind later (specially if the plan is a Good Thing for him).
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