> Finally tracked down that reference to "Belintar's Book" that I knew I'd
> seen in a fanzine - sorry it took so long, but going through my shelf
> thinking "it was A4 and black and white, how many fanzines fit that
> description?" took a while.
> Tradetalk 5, page 4. "The Pharoah", by Greg. And it isn't exactly hard
> factual stuff, to put it mildly.
I'll have to take a look, but I'm fairly certain that we got the spelling right in Tradetalk. I did some proof-reading back then...
Come on, it means "God-King", like the Egyptian term. RuneQuest Companion was consequent in the mis-spelling, but later publications got it right.
It's no Gloronthan name (such as "Lankhor Mhy" or "Iripi Ontor" or "Yanafil").
(Same with Sagittus - "Archer", but sadly neither with Malia - goddess or spirit of _bad_ things like disease. "Mallia" means something like "Apple Girl" or "Apple Land"...)
Jane is right about the absence of factual stuff, though - the text in TT reads like the preface to Belintar's Book, 1615 edition.
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