> My personal feeling is that this should be an awesome
> experience for the players, and therefore not
> something tossed off lightly as a two or three minute
> ritual that they duly report to the ref. Yet it could
> be quite a strain on the ref to come up with
> appropriate narration and directions in response to
> the players' actions.
Not that I'm much of a freeformer, but...
"Harem nights" included "small" HQs, for 2-3 people. I know I and (I think) Mike Cule did one, where we climbed up an endless ladder and got to meet the Red Goddess personally. Details have vanished in the mists of time (and alcohol, probably), but I remember feeling a certain "wow!" factor at the time. I don't know about "awesome", but the fact that I remember it at all a year later suggests that they got something right. It probably was only 2-3 minutes, but it wasn't tossed off lightly.
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 278
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