Re: Re: Need a little help with heroquests

From: John Briquelet <Briquelet_at_...>
Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2001 14:11:37 -0700

After reading many responses to the HQ ideas, I have to agree that heroquests should be scalable. The common man all the way up to the demigod-god can recreate the great acts of his/her deity, but at widely varying levels of significance. I would also think that the level of benefit has to be directly proportional to the level of risk. If you want major, earth-shaking power, you'd better be able to defeat the obstacles that bar those forces from being acquired by the common man. Just my two cents, for what its worth.


  RR said

>> >I say this principally on the basis of
>> >what I believe to be "true" in Glorantha, but by a happy coincudence,
>> >it also happens to be what I think is the most flexible, fun and
>> >playable approach as far as actual play in concerned.
>> Probably but I wouldn't want to have to write them up! If your abilities
>> are at a certain level go here, if not go there.

>Or just use the benchmark approach and ractchet up the ratings to match
>player heroes. If that means you up the rewards as well, fine.

  I don't mind that approach at all. "Sorry Mr. Harrek, sez here this is an   intermediary level heroquest, I'm afraid demi-gods aren't allowed...urrrk."   Thud.

  But then this asks the further question are there HQs that people can't do   because they're too easy for them or do they just not get any benefits from   them or just the bare minimum?

  So a quest should be set up as flexible enough for multiple paths, multiple   levels on some or all paths and multiple rewards depending on your path   and/or level. They're starting to sound like one of the more convulted flow   charts.


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