Re: heroquests

From: Thom Baguley <t.s.baguley_at_...>
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 11:47:46 +0100

>Hmmm, different paths through many quests? I'd agree up to that point. Do
>most quests need different paths? Wouldn't the vast majority have just one
>accepted path? Obviously multi-level HQs like the LBQ need multiple paths

Not necessarily. Myths may be vague (Orlanth defeated the Dark woman ... did he seduce her or fight her?). Also, paths and sequences are temporal constructions - pre-time I don't see why some paths can't simultaneously exist (at least in terms of altered orders and possibly in other ways). Last, some alternatives might be different, but similar myths.

(Consider that (in myth) Orlanth probably both seduced the Dark Woman and fought her in combat. To state categorically that one happened on the LBQ and the other didn't is tantamount to stating that one preceded or followed the other in time. As time didn't exist, no such firm claim can be made).


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