Re: Style

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 10:11:58 -0700

> While I actually agree with your technique, I THINK that multiple
> opponent penalties don't apply when you group opponents as leader &
> followers, each group is counted as just one opponent (although
> strangely the Follower rules say that a hero's followers do negate
> multiple opponent penalties...).

In the rules, Multiple Opponent penalties are assayed on the number of times you need to roll defense, so combining all 75 trollkin into one mass means that they have one attack with lots of AP behind it, but no MA penalty. The "best tactic" for that many trollkin is to split them into several (six or so) groups, so you get MA penalties (for a total of -15 on the sixth attacker), but still have a AP battery of a dozen trollkin in each group. (See HW page 140 for the Multiple Attacker rules.)

Followers canceling out Multiple attackers isn't strange (at least no to my mind), they are there to cover your back, act as your shieldman, etc - there job *is* to keep too many people from getting to you.

However, as an unofficial variant, you can allow Attackers with followers to "cancel out" the Hero's follower's as far as the Multiple Attacker penalty goes, so three attackers with 2 followers each attacking a single hero with 4 followers will have effect of "canceling out" the followers with the first two attackers, giving the third attacker the chance to use the Multiple Attacker rule. Normally, four followers will "cancel out" the MA penalty for attackers 2-5, so the hero would only get the -3 on the 6th attacker. But with this variant, Attacker 1 would "cancel out" 2 followers, Attacker 2 would cancel out the next two, and any furtther attackers would start the MA penalty.


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