Re:Re:Ranged Combat

From: Wulf Corbett <wulfc_at_...>
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 09:14:42 -0000

> I knew that,but first of all,there are more than 10.000 messages
> I´m still at number 1700....;-)

You could miss out the couple of thousand about Oscar Wilde...

> Again,thank you for answering.I knew this already...but still,it
> doesn´t solve the problem with all the possible cases.

There is no simple, single, answer to all cases, there never was. In other game systems you might use Dodge, or DEX, or Hide in Cover, or some other ability. The point is, attacker and target choose attack/defence abilities, and you start the contest. The only truly one-sided missile combat would be when the target is tied motionless to a tree (and even then he could resist with Tough...). It could even be Archery vs. Spot Hidden, if the archer is shooting from cover (once you see him, you can avoid him).

>I think
> the"resist poison thing"is a good example.Look at the
> characterexample of „Kallai"in the rulesbook.He has no relevant
> ability for resisting poison,not even one,you could improvise
> with.Still he is surely a strong and tough man,because he is a
> warrior.

So allow an Improvisation from Close Combat - a pretty hefty Improv. Mod, maybe -10 or even -20. If he wants to improve it, later, it'll heve to be as a specific ability though, Resist Poison 12 for 1 HP.

> So these are the occasions where I wonder if it wouldn´t be a good
> idea to have some general characteristics...How about making the
> rule,that you must have a movement,and a body-kind of-ability and a
> strength related ability,when you generate your character?

I considered this too, but some characters just shouldn't have such abilities. Remember, if the character has an ability, it's a notable feature, above average. Not every hero should be above average in every aspect. And you miss out Intellect/mind related abilities. And appearance. And luck. Where do you stop? You are quite right, a set of Stats does make a great base for generic abilities, but unless you make them 'free' for the beginner character, they use up a lot of words/slots. I actually realised my own character (an Ernaldan) had no athletic abilities (erm... well, no outdoor ones...). But if a snake bites her, she'll improvise off of her Earth Queen Affinity, specifically the Command Earth Animals feat (snakes were always earth aligned).

I do not want her ending up a warrior (it's so undignified, all that running around), so if I do give her a physical ability I'll give her a generic 'Running about and things' ability she'll have to Improvise off of.


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