Re: Running Away don't work

From: gamartin_at_...
Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2001 15:30:46 -0000

> full captivity would come about mainly as a Complete Defeat. The
> iportant point is that as far as the initial contest goes, the
> battle, we donlt care whether they are driven off or actually
> slain. Thus, the fleer is offering the victor the opportunity to
> defeat them without killing them.

Taking a look at the Ordinary Consequences table, we could posit an additional Flee column something like:

Defeat Level      Combat Result       Flight Result
Marginal          Dazed               Got Away
Minor             Hurt                Got Away Hurt
Major             Injured             Got Away Injured
Complete          Dying               Captured

This is premised on the fact that the Flight column still represents a defeat in a Combat test, which the contest remains even if the fleer decides to conduct it wqith a movement ability.

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