Mundanity of opponents

From: Gianfranco Geroldi <giangero_at_...>
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 02:47:45 -0700 (PDT)

From: "charlescorrigan" <charles_at_...> Subject: Re: Attempting to lead you all to illumination on worldscale
Where AR (Anaxial's Roster) scores is having lists of thingies to
throw at the characters as challenges. It uses a convention that
certain skills are used in certain ways so that all entries are
directly comparable. My opinion is that some (many?) of the numbers
presented in AR are too low and that this is/was an artefact of our
(and Issaries) lack of experience with a logarithmic
and scalable
system such as Hero Wars.
If your story specifically requires that you have a wolf then treat
AR's numbers as those for an untested young adult and modify as
required. If your story just requires some kind of challenge, then
just find something with stats that already meet requirements.

Pardon my intrusion. The thread is already well self-explaining and many usefula and insightful posts has been made.

Let me just add, to Charles, that AFAIK in novels it does not works like that. Take the Silmarillion. Do Beren and Luthien confront an average or young wolf?

No: they are confronted by the foulest of wolves
(Sauron , then Charcaroth IIRC) and they need the help
of Huan to fight them and in the end the power of the Silmarils.

Low level characters are opposed by mundane and average samples of opposition (well, if a rookie hero is so smart as to challenge an average True Dragon I suppose any sensible Narrator can let him be simply Sneered to Instant Disintegration without a second thought).

Experienced heroes (like the heroes some of our campaigns are enjoying) don't bother to confront ordinary wolves or ordinary horses. They choose as opponents the World Champion of Wolves (TM) and fight him on an equal level.

So I think that AR is in the end correct in any campaign. Just pick the level of opposition, preparation by the adversary, support by meta-villains
(as Morgoth who pumps up a normal puppy) in order to
provide a Decent Nemesis for the Respectable Hero.


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