Kick them when the're down!

From: Benedict Adamson <yahoo_at_...>
Date: Wed, 04 Sep 2002 22:30:58 +0100

Roderick and Ellen Robertson wrote:


> As far as an opponent acting against you to drive you further under, it's
> usually a Bad Idea - if he fails big and *Transfers* AP (and that's just
> what HP are for!), you could get back on your feet. If you're going to
> "drive someone even lower", then give them a Coup de Grace and be down with
> it.


We do this reasonably often. They fact that YOU have defeated THEM tends to mean that you have a better TN than them, so the odds are in your favour. Why bother? In our scenarios (and in heroquests), the level of victory is often important. Sending someone to complete defeat is usually difficult without attacking them when they are already 'defeated' (negative AP).

Coup de Grace: I've never much liked the rule, it being for special cases (combat). No use if you absolutely must defeat someone in a debate! I can't recall the last time anyone used it in our group.

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