Re: Question on affinities

From: Kevin P. McDonald <paul_mcdonald_at_...>
Date: Sun, 05 Jan 2003 13:00:15 -0500

Benedict Adamson writes:

>The same magic ability can be used as an augment or directly as an
>ability, depending on what the narrator decides is best. I guess that
>seems like a non-answer, but the focus in HW should be description
>first, rules second. That is, use the rules as a means for modelling
>what the character is trying to do, rather than using the rules to
>determine what the character can do.

In the last incarnation of my Hero Wars game, I introduced a weird house rule called "Action Feats". Essentially, a feat like "Shield Destroyer" or "Truesword Stroke" that seems (to me) to describe a single action is usually carried out *as* an action (Close Combat, frex) with an automatic bonus or (preferably) an edge. The Action Feat does not require an unrelated action to perform, and affects the one action before going away.

Thus, I don't allow the heroes to go through the entire contest with every feat up and running, although they can prepare magic in advance using rituals and trigger it at the appropriate time. The Action Feat can be performed repeatedly during a contest at the strength allowed by the prepared ritual.

Some magic does work the normal way (Empower Weapon With Death, say) but many do not. This keeps the players from having ridiculous amounts of augments/edges entering a contest, and has the nice side benefit of making the contest sound more colorful.

Player: "I attack the hoplite soldier using my Shield Destroyer feat!" Narrator: "You attack the hoplite in the way of your god, his power bursting forth from your weapon when it smashes into the shield. Roll Close Combat, and if you win add 1/5 of your Shield Destroyer feat as an edge."

If the player wants to roll for a chance at a higher edge (bonus, or whatever) then he must take an unrelated action to "prepare". Of course, this might alert his enemy of what is coming...

Anyway, it works for us... :)


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