RE: Re: Berserkers...

From: Ross McPhee <ross_at_...>
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 14:44:12 +0100

> > Berserk magics. If you have 'Berserk' at say 17, do you still have to
> > roll to get the effects (17 or less)? I'd say so, but what happens if
> > you Crit or Fumble?
> I'd guess a Fumble would leave you at a penalty of some sort in the
> forthcoming Combat (Loss of AP, Handicap of 1/4 the beserk
> ability...?) While a Crit would give you some additional bonus (extra
> AP's, increased edge) - possibly with a reduced chance of recognising
> friends or being "talked out" of the rage...

I'd say this is simply using a feat (at 17 in example) to gain a bonus/edge. Crits and fumbles are therefore taken care of on the Augmentation Result Table.

Traditionally going berserk has had a flip side too (other than "friendly fire") in that the berserker become easier to damage as well as more damaging.
Would anyone bother trying to model that - 7+ AP losses *have* to be taken as wounds perhaps? Better ideas anyone?



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