Re: Maximum improv penalty

From: simon_hibbs2 <simon.hibbs_at_...> <simon.hibbs_at_...>
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 11:48:04 -0000

Perhaps I wouldn't go quite so far as benedict in saying that -20 isn't a very large modifier. It is certainly a large modifier and a significant obstacle to be overcome, but it can often be overcome with a little creativity by moderately experienced characters. In fact even a starting character with 5W and a -20 penalty can often augment enough to have a reasonable chance against the 'standard' opposing force of 14.

Penalties higher than that, say -30 or so, are about my limit for mundane abilities. Perhaps that will change as the characters in my game advance further, but -30 more than wipes out a starting characters very best ability, including a margin for augments, so it realy is a showstopper for most characters in most situations. Magic is another matter, expecialy ritual magic.

A -3 modifier is a noticable obstacle, and even for experienced characters facing an opponent at their own ability rating it can make a difference. Personaly I think -3 is the lowest penalty I'd bother applying. -1 or -2 are so low it's hardly worth the effort making the extra calculations, but -3 is just about enough to care about. For me it's the minimum penalty, not the standard one. I think I use -5 most often.

Simon Hibbs

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