
From: Kmnellist_at_...
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2003 00:23:55 EST

I'vee been considering the flaws in my character recently and conlcuded that there was something that didn't seem quite right about them. Then I realised the same applied to hw-rules :)

It seems to me that flaws get less and less relevant as the Hero gets more powerful yet, it seems to me at least, the heroic narrative would make more dramatic sense if the flaws got more and more powerful. I'm thinking they should be tied to the highest ability in the same way followers are (were?). I've not really thought through the consequences but if some Hero has Close Combat 5W2 but was had a "cowardly" flaw, or a "uncontrolled temper" then those dangerous flaws should be more dangerous to the Hero. I just think mighty heroes should have colossal flaws of one sort or another.


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