Re: Do the rules determine the nature of Glorantha?

From: Graham Robinson <graham_at_...>
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 08:23:10 +0100

>1. Is there a Glorantha independent of the rules, or do the rules determine
>the nature of Glorantha? (This is really addressed toward the FAQ folks.)

Yes. Greg has stated many times that he feels these rules are the best representation of Glorantha yet, but no rules can ever be perfect.

>2. Is the scaling of penalties with wizardry church congregation size
>intended to be a part of the reality of Glorantha?

The statement is so clear, I can't believe it isn't deliberate. Treating a congregation as one being, assuming penalties and bonuses cancel, etc. are all fine house rules, but they ain't what the rules say. Page 159 is pretty clear that you're supposed to say "-40 for congregation size, +13 for total support, +10 for shrine, +10 for holy day." I *think* the idea is that liturgists should actually spend HP on pushing their "Use Abiding Book" or whatever up to a level where they can more or less guarantee a success.

>3. Is the loss of Donandar and Lanbril common magic if you specialize in
>the magic of a non-Common Magic "subcult" intended to be a part of the
>reality of Glorantha?

We talked about this at Scotscon. I don't know if this fell through the cracks or was deliberate, but I can't say I like it. To me, its a good example of where the whole "concentrate magic" thing falls down - most of the rules only apply to pcs, and I can't imagine ever enforcing this kind of rule on a player. I still think I'd go with the idea that Donander "talents" become Skovara "feats" when you concentrate, but I'm nice like that.

>4. Puma loss of innate shapechanging when specializing in other than Common
>Magic (included only for completeness).

Nuff said, really.

>5. Now that Kero Fin and Engizi are landscape deities, are their Storm
>Tribe cults still relevant (now that having 140 worshippers can drop the
>resistance to climb Kero Fin to zero)?

I think so. HQ seems to imply that worshipping them as proper dieties rather than as guardian beings is unusual. I don't think the dozen or so worshippers around Dragon Pass are gonna make much real difference. Also, I'm not sure why you think that Kero Fin's "Hard to Climb" would be reduced - its only her guardian being functions that are reduced. I can't see anything that indicates that she wouldn't be just as tall as ever.

>5. I'm sure there are other such repercussions of the rules; is this list
>worth collecting and commenting on?

Oh yes.


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