Re: Do the rules determine the nature of Glorantha?

From: Mike Holmes <homeydont_at_...>
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 10:11:24 -0500

>From: Graham Robinson <graham_at_...>

> >I disagree. I think that a -7 is something that can be overcome with
> >fairly regularly (or other bonuses).
>Sorry, in what way are you disagreeing? Unless there is something subtle
>I'm missing here, your statement seems to be equivalent to mine. i.e. That
>a practising liturigist should have a sufficiently high skill at calling
>for blessings that a -7 isn't normally a problem.

I was disagreeing that he'd have to use HP regularly. Your suggestion seemed to be that the Liturgist would burn one HP most every week to make the ritual work. Which seems problematic on several levels. If that wasn't your implication, then it was I who misunderstood. That is, I think you're right and that we do agree.


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