Re: A Closer look at Shaman

From: Christoph Kohring <ChOK_at_...>
Date: Wed, 08 Oct 2003 13:52:19 -0000

> When she becomes a Shaman, Pelgra will gain a Spirit Double, her Fetch
> which has a rating of 13, and gives the abilities of Shamanic Escape and
> Spirit World Travel at the Fetch Rating. She also gets to learn "Soul
> Wind" which also presumably starts at 13 (although it probably requires
> another HP to start this ability off).

Not quite, IMO she gets Fetch (Shamanic Escape, Spirit World, Soul Wind) 13

Strange, isn't it, for an animist to have a shamanic ability called "_Soul_ Wind" ?!!

Christoph, Lurking in the Alps 13W2

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