Re: Magic Items and Secrets

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2003 22:46:23 +0000 (GMT)

> I would say, "yes, but".

That's usually the right answer, I find. The "but" can be a lot of fun and extra plot hook in itself.

Suggestion 1, fits all cases: don't tell them what the "but" is, yet. Just grin evily, and roll dice at random intervals.

Suggestion 2: "rub salt into the wound" is a cliche for very good reason. Yes, it heals, BUT, it hurts. A lot. Over to others to suggest game mechanics for this.

Suggestion 3: medicines have been known to have side-effects. Sometimes delayed side-effects. Could be anything from a permanent hideous scar to slow poisoning to a chance at a chaos feature.

Suggestion 4, fits almost any "item" case requiring a "but": yes, it works as described, but it's the property of someone who very much wants it back. They now think you're the one who stole it, and will send out various minions to recover it with extreme prejudice.

Suggestion 5: ask the other players to come up with ideas: privately.

Jane Williams

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