Re: What's wrong with Kathy??

From: simon_hibbs2 <simon.hibbs_at_...>
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 16:23:14 -0000

Ok, but even if you aren't into dramatic narration of the action in Hero Quest, you will almost never get a statement of "I hit him using my Close Combat". Every time the players in my game make a roll, they're always trying to think up new ways to use their other abilities to provide augments. This often naturaly leads to fun narration, but even without the narration it makes the game a lot more interesting and fun as a tactical game.

This often gets overlooked because other games give huge scads of rules on how different factors, options and modifiers affect the basic rules, but HeroQuest actualy gives more options in this area with less rules.

In the rest of your post you're spot on.

Simon Hibbs

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