RE: Re: Playing Animists

From: Michael Bowman <bowman_at_...>
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2004 08:21:40 -0800


On Wednesday, February 18, 2004, at 07:33AM, Mike Holmes <homeydont_at_...> wrote:

>But that's my point - I don't have to worry about play balance, because the
>game takes care of it in other ways. The percentage system seems to be there
>to prevent D&D players from going nuts collecting religions. I don't have
>any D&D players, and I think that HQ would make converts of most if not all
>who were coming from that tradition of play. So, again, the system is
>ancillary. It protects against a non-existent threat AFAICT. Has anyone run
>up against the time limit in a meaningful way in play?

I found the percentage limits helpful with a couple of players early on. Now that we've played Hero Wars and HeroQuest for quite a while, it's not an issue any more.

However I do try to represent the time involved through play. For instance, all Orlanthi devotees have to spend all day every Winds Day (i.e., one day a week) involved in worshipping Orlanth (from Thunder Rebels), and initiates also worship, but not all day. Thus, as the group is traveling along or doing something, we'll come to Winds Day and they know they'll need to stop for a day. We also track the Holy Days ("We can't leave for a couple of days because Cat Nip Day is coming up, so Guthlaf needs to be here."). I find this has done wonders for getting the feel of the setting.


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