Re: Re: Followers and Multiple Attackers

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2004 10:13:39 -0800

> >If I'm all alone and am facing a guy with 3
> >followers, there is no MO penalty since there is only one "Die Rolling
> >Entity" facing me.
> Hmm, that's not the way we've ever played it. Now, "ever" goes back
> to before HW so it may be wrong, but I still don't see this on p.79.

The penalty is on the number of times you roll the die - You roll against the first attacker with your unmodified ability. The second time you roll the die, you have a -3 penalty, etc. Since followers do not get a die roll, but are subsumed into their Boss's die roll, there is no penalty. Mechanistic legalism? Probably, but since I crafted the rule, I figure I know the thinking behind it.

Narratively you can claim that the Villain is the only *important* guy out there - who tells of the common warriors following Achilles on the plain before Troy? The nameless footmen and knights behind Roland at Roncevalles? The GIs supporting Patton in Europe? From the stories told you would assume that these guys were alone on the battlefield engaging in hand to hand combat with their opponents.

It is by my order and for the good of the state that the bearer of this has done what he has done.
- Richelieu

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