Re: Gaining Hero Points

From: Kevin P. McDonald <paul_mcdonald_at_...>
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2004 23:24:02 -0500

Janus asks:

>Of course how to hand hero points is ultimately up to each narrator, but I'm curious about
>people's take on it on the list.

Our sessions last 2-3 hours once per week, and a typical adventure lasts from 3-5 sessions. I give one HP at the start of each session, and then award an "end of adventure" bonus of around one HP per session played in the adventure. Thus, a four session adventure gives a total of 8HP. There might be a few more points at the end if the players were particularly entertaining. :)

I call the whole adventure an "episode", divided into acts (act = session), and subdivided into scenes. I write three "acts" in advance and usually wind up with more due to player unpredictability.

~Kevin McD

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