Re: Re: Week 3 rule questions...

From: steve_at_...
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 10:25:34 +1300

>Steve Rennell wrote:
>> >There's a vingan devotee trying to use her run on treetops

Thanks everyone for the responses. I guess I'm going to fudge it in future as long as it's fun, and see what happens :)

Incidentally, the Broo were running with default skills of 6 too, although there were 4 of them, so they managed to get to 9 by augmenting each other :)... Contests at this level are over really quickly.

The Running hunter wanted to essentially keep far enough ahead of the broo to be able to be rescued by his friends. Since the broo had better run skills than him (as a total) he felt that they would eventually catch him if he was on his own, but he might be able to put that off long enough that he reached the clearing.

Now, the "They will catch me eventually" seemed to use the extended contest rules really well, but the "will he make it to the clearing before them" seemed to be a slightly different question, and by the rules to be handled exactly the same way with the same skills and bonuses - should I have given the hunter bonuses to AP for not having to actually lose the broo, but only to out-run them for "long enough"? or are both tasks equally difficult?

The javelins from the treetops were done as quick-contests when the broo didn't know the vingan was there (major success = broo down and mostly out), and once the broo were in hand to hand with the humakti I was still handling the missile fire as quick contests against the broo's dodge, since I wasn't really sure what I was doing...

(The broo suicidal charge down the hill at the humakti (screaming "I love it when they play hard to get") was their big mistake, since once they failed, suddenly they were downhill and off balance and the humakti was amongst them slashing and killing.

Beginning characters with monomania (like many humakti) can be _really_ scary - skill 18 broo were out-matched by more than a mastery...


Stephen Rennell 	steve_at_... 
Wellington, New Zealand 
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