Re: Re: Questions about Lunar concentration

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2004 20:53:12 -0700

> In any case, this has strayed far to far into what my game is all about,
> which is a tad OT, no? The only question that I have left that I didn't
> an answer for was whether or not Common Magic religions count against the
> starting character's limit of one Specilized Magic Keyword to start. To
> the underlying question, are common magic religion keywords of the same
> "weight" as other religion keywords, or are they "light" enough that they
> shouldn't count against chargen limits? Put yet another way, are the
> occupations and homelands "balanced" in terms of interest that allowing
> these keywords to be associated with the other religions for free balanced
> overall? Is that the idea?

Usually, a common magic religion is "free" in addition to a specialized magic. You can be a Heortling with Flesh Man magic and still worship (as an initiate, since devotees have to "abandon any magic not of their god") one of the god/ess/es of the pantheon.

> The reason that I put "balance" in quotes, brieifly, is that I'm not
> concerned with power balance, but more with just making sure that the
> options are attractive to players enough that they might all be selected.
> That is, I worry that if you make certain homelands have lots of extra
> keywords from common magic, that they'll be overly attractive to players.

Well, they aren't keywords per se, and you still only get 5 common magic abilities no matter how many "common magic religions" you belong to (without spending some of your chargen points on them).

It is by my order and for the good of the state that the bearer of this has done what he has done.
- Richelieu

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