Re: The "use it once in a lifetime" skill

From: bethexton_at_...
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 12:40:51 -0000

"once in a lifetime" type situations suggest to me that HP are involved. It seems to me that even one or two traits that would trigger in this sort of situation, with perhaps a situational bonus if it is the perfect trigger, rolled as a variable augment for a big bonus, each augment bumped with an HP, might do it.

That is, in such a situation, most of the "vingan" personality traits would apply, so you have good augments there already. Then you have something like "Hatred of abuse" 17 (kindly narrator permission to take it under the Vinga key word as being relevant) and "deadly when enraged" 13. Say you go for +5 and +4 augments with these, bumping both rolls with hero points. If you succeed, given that you probably have 3-4 other personality trait augments that triggered, plus all the usual augments, you would probably be fighting well above your usual level.

Another way to heighten this effect would be to have a number of traits that all kick in during this type of situation, some of which would trigger more often. hatred of bullies, protector of innocents, avenges abuses, fight back, etc. In the situation where they all trigger, even with just auto augments, you may be looking at +10 from personality traits, more if you bump a variable augment roll.


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