Re: Re: Religion and Childbirth

From: Mike Holmes <homeydont_at_...>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 15:01:59 -0500

>From: Alex Ferguson <abf_at_...>
>But that's just for the Orlanth
>sub-cults, nothing preventing them joining Issaries (commonly, indeed),
>or to take an extreme case as regards connotations of fertility (but by
>no means gender-exclusivity), Humakt.

OK, cool. And Jane provided some female deities that probably don't have anything to do with childbirth anyhow.

> > For my question, then, would
> > this mean rejecting her womanhood, and expecting never to have children?
>IMO, certainly not. 'Twould be a weird construction to impose.

Then, one of two things is true. Either those who do not belong to the mother cult are taking a big risk with themelves and their children, or the cults who provide this sort of support do it for everyone, not just those who have a relationship to the cult.

Which sounds more plausible? I'm thinking that if a woman is in good standing with their culture at all that they probably wouldn't have to have a relationship with the temple to get the support of the mother cult. They wouldn't be able to augment with the non-existent relationship, but the cult's magic would still be very important, I'd think.

Or do the Ernaldan's really withhold their services from an initiate of Issaries who is about to give birth?


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