Re: Augmenting to Augment?

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2004 10:08:25 -0800

> >In the Play by post game I'm reading, Brute gets to augment Smoothie with
> >appropriate skill, so Brute's Huge and Scary Looking both add +2 to
> >Smoothie. That's twice
> >the effect.

As others have pointed out, there is nothing wrong with that.

The Augmenting rules don't care if you're augmenting yourself or another person. Augmenting an Augmentor Ability is silly - the 1/10 reduction means that your +10 augment is reduced to a mere +1 in the final augment - not a good use of resources.

C'est par mon ordre et pour le bien de l'Etat que le porteur du pr�sent a fait ce qu'il a fait.
- Richelieu

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