RE: Narrative Abilities are crap?

From: Mike Holmes <homeydont_at_...>
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 13:18:50 -0600

>From: "Jane Williams" <janewilliams20_at_...>

>I suspect the answer may depend on whether you see the size of those
>numbers as representing how good you are at them (what I always thought
>they meant), or, as recently suggested and I forget by who, representing
>how dramatically important they are. If it's the latter, then the
>100-word abilities should be higher than the keyword ones, not lower.

Well, if it wasn't me who suggested basing the ratings on drama, then it might as well have been, because I buy that angle. That said, I don't agree with your assessment. Again, I see privileging the keyword abilities as intentional, and well designed to ensure the basic themes of the game get the attention that makes for a superior game.

Why do you think that the "individualizing" abilities should be more dramatically important? Wouldn't that make the game more about individuality than community? More about personal glory than belief in something higher?


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