RE: Narrative Abilities are crap?

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 18:54:23 -0000

> "The whole narrative thing has been kiboshed by the
> switcheroo of the keywords and the narratively important words."
> I don't think it has, for the simple reason that if Jon has
> "Play Fox and Geese 13" then he's a fair bit better than most
> of the clan, most of the time.

I can see fors and againsts, here (as always).

But I notice with interest that your main keywords are included in those 100 words. They get in at 17. Other stuff gets in at 13. An inconsistency?

I suspect the answer may depend on whether you see the size of those numbers as representing how good you are at them (what I always thought they meant), or, as recently suggested and I forget by who, representing how dramatically important they are. If it's the latter, then the 100-word abilities should be higher than the keyword ones, not lower.

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