Re: Vinga Dar magic?

From: Benedict Adamson <yahoo_at_...>
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2005 11:39:39 +0000

Jane Williams wrote:
> Just been looking up the Dar subcult, and realised that a lot of the
> useful, nay essential, feats for running a tribe or clan come in the
> Allfather affinity, not the Lead Tribe/clan one. "Make tribal ring,
> rally tribe, summon tribe". All very nice for male leaders.

There is something more here. Why are you interested in *Feats*? After all, only Devotees really benefit from them.

If the Chief is an initiate, the Chief can initiate to multiple sub cults without excessive time use. In particular, he could initiate to Dar on becoming Chief. A Devotee could not do so. The *rules* therefore suggest that Devotees do not make good Chiefs. But that chimes with what we know about Devotees: they are narrowly obsessive weirdos, but being Chief requires interaction and compromise with a the majority of the Clan. Of course, when there is a specific grave emergency (invasion by a chaos worshipping empire, say), the clan might choose a Chief with a narrow focus. Consider that Winston Churchill lost the election immediately after WW2.

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