Re: Lacking Courage

From: Rob <robert_m_davis_at_...>
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 00:54:44 -0000


Send me your snail mail address off list and I will post you the DP map.

As I said in another post, if you convert RQ characters the players will assume it is the same sort of game. Imagine you GM AD&D 2nd Ed and you want to convert the guys over to D20 3.5, they will expect similar game yes? BUt with Heroquest they get a COMPLETELY different game, but the same game world, but if you have gamist inclined players, they may not be enthusiastic about Heroquest, as your post seemed to indicate.

Heroquest should be more like a freeform in feel IMO, and I think you have ecperience of freeforms yes?


> My Runequest game is only a few months old,
> interrupted by my recent illness and my wifes seriosu illness. I
> going to try converting their RQ 2 characters to HQ to try to
> my players to Heroquest. Last time we played , my first attempt,
> said the game was a 'blagging contest' as they kept trying to get
> many augments as possible in a very 'gamist' manner. They
> thrive on Runequest hard crunch mechanics though, and so I started
> Pavis campaign for them. StillI hope to try HerQuest again in a
> of weeks*, and am really interested in how to best convert them to
> system...
> OK, so converting PC's does not work. Any more advice welcome!
> thanks fopr asking the question Trevor!
> cj x

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