Re: What's in a keyword?

From: Lightcastle <light_castle_at_...>
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 14:13:08 -0500

On Friday 23 December 2005 2:20 am, Jane Williams wrote:

> Cue SFX as large can of worms is opened....

The worms! THE WORMS!!!!

> I'd say there are no hard limits on "how many" things can be in a keyword.
> It's just that only the ones we're interested in get explicitly listed.

True. But it seems a waste to just re-write everything. The keyword is supposed to be shorthand.

> Last time I saw this discussed, one of the more important points made was
> how to decide if a skill should be in a keyword at all.

Very true. I had to constantly reign in my Nathic avenger Player, who kept thinking her Assassin covered everything. Now, if there was an established "Keywords have 20 abilities included" you could just switch them out to make specialties. But I think that defeats some of the purpose of Keywords as shorthand for anything you've forgotten.

> Why should the date of your realisation that a skill is in a keyword affect
> the level it's at? Same level as the keyword, unless for other reasons it
> looks like it needs to be K-5 or something.

Again, things like personality traits come to mind. Skills, I agree, if part of the keyword, should probably be the same as the whole keyword.


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