Re: Mass Combat

From: Gavain Sweetman <gavain.sweetman_at_...>
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 10:03:05 +0000 (GMT)

> > Gavain:

> > I think that's why the rules cut down on the final APs if you are vastly
> > inflating them means that you just bid big. I'm not sure why you say that
> > the number of people have a small effect on TN. for a regiment of 1000 the
> > bonus is +25.

> That much ? Oh, I remembered only +6, +8, that kind of thing. +25 sure is some big bonus. I admit plying mainly with units in the 30-100 persons range.

That does make the bonus smaller and less significant.

> > If you don't inflate the APs you get regiments in the W4 range and thus should not overshoot too much and not bias the play towards always destroying the army you are facing.

> Do you mean you take the average soldier ability, add group bonus, commander augments, etc, get into , say, 8w4 and begin the fight with only 88 APs ?

> But any player with some adequate followers will have that much, no? Or do you use a different way to calculate APs?

That's true but the mass combat should be used for such and not just for hero + followers vs an army. If your players want to do that then either both use mass combat rules or both use followers rules.  

For the former the hero will have to use the average follower's mass combat ability augmented by his leadership; usually not so hot compared with the heroes combat. Plus there are extra bonuses for outnumbering your opponents. 2 to 1 is +5 and 5 to 1 is +20 (officially). I would (as I am fond of doing) smooth this out and use 5 times the troop ratios as the bonus i.e. 3 to 1 is +10, 10 to 1 is +50 and so on.  

For the latter then the army should be allowed to break the "only 6 can attack at once" rule and be able to surround the hero. An extreme would be 6 for the hero _AND_ every follower, remember each extra gives a cumulative -3 on the hero's defence, then split the army into that many groups and use some to augment and the rest a AP pool as desired. If this isn't sufficient to deter the heroes then there is also the fatigue rules to be brought in. The will be fighting and using magic each of which have a penalty of -10 for an hours constant use; so -20 for the hour or -1 per 3 mins, that could easily be -1 for every take out. It's a lot harder to fight a large group than in single combat.  

So when you match the same systems it still works out that the heroes should not be able to take on armies.

> > Most commanders unless mad or stupid
> > would get out of the fight as soon as they realised they were outclassed.

> Well, in most case I saw, they couldn't. 1-3 rounds and someone is at -100 PA or
> worse.

In this case I would suggest that each round last in the order of an hour, so there would be plenty of time to see that they are outclassed, or the foe is being reckless and overwhelming you.


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