Re: Re: Benefits of Illumination

From: Roderick Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2007 10:30:05 -0800

> However there isn't a clear line in the sand (not clear to me anyway)
> between what has been said before and what the current state of
> affairs is. Sevening and Lunar mysticism is now a lot clearer thanks
> to ILH2, but Nysalorian Illumination is a grey area now, at least to
> me. Which publications, article and such can we refer to now for
> authoritative info on this? Or are there any plans to put together
> more authoritative information?

Dunno what, if anything, will be done with Nysaloran Illumination. ILH2 is appropriate and canonical for *Lunar* illumination.

> I'm not whingeing, and I don't intend to come across as doing so. A
> more and better thought out, and more interesting take on Illumination
> would be very welcome.

Lunar Illuminations is not Nysaloran Illumination (even though they both use the "I" word). As stated in ILH2 (Nysalor writeup, page 84) , Nysaloran Illumination is (according to the Lunars) like modern "Neo-paganism": made up from bits and pieces of scraps of half-remembered myths. When Greg and I were working on Lunar illumination we agreed that Nysaloran Illumination was Occluded (according to the ILH2 definition).

The Lunar Illumination as described in ILH2 is *not* intended to be a representation of Nysaloran Illumination as presented in earlier RQ books (CoT and Dorastor, iirc).

He was born with the gift of laughter and the sense that the world was mad R. Sabatini, Scaramouche

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