Re: Re: EquipmentFiddling

From: samclau_at_...
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 14:13:41 -0300

> Trouble is, the saucepans would make a nice dramatic
> CLANG but wouldn't do a lot else. The armour would
> certainly slow him down while you used your "Cobb's
> Traverse" ability, though. (Go on, Google it. It's a
> documented bit of 1600s footwork, I'll tell you that
> much.)

Oh yeah? I don't have a "Cobb's Traverse" ability.

I do, though, have a mother of a soapstone pan, my favourite possession.

And I know how to use it.

Plus, I grew up in London dodging people on crowded streets and playing football and can more or less dance samba - I can sidestep with the best of them.


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