Re: Re: Mythic Russia, and Pyrrhic Victories

From: samclau_at_...
Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2007 11:14:14 -0300

> De: Tim Ellis <tim_at_...>
> I'd agree with David that I'd not expect a character to drop dead on
> a complete victory for doing something that many thousands of people
> do every year without a significant number of fatalites (35,674
> people completed the London Marathon this year according to their
> web site - Wikipedia reports 9 fatalities at the London Marathon
> since 1981).

There's a fundamental issue of sampling here. The guy who dropped dead is one of the ones who would have pulled out of the London marathon. He didn't have a decent training schedule, he didn't have people giving him isotonic solutions all the way, he didn't have proper footwear. Bet he was malnourished and had worms too.

If Paula Radcliffe hadn't pulled out four miles short of completing the Athens marathon, what would have happened to her?

Not that I particularly care one way or the other, but...


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