Re: Mythic Russia, and Pyrrhic Victories - yes!

From: Rob <robert_m_davis_at_...>
Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2007 11:43:06 -0000

Great example. What actually happens is that Arthur has a dream the night before and God (who may have got to feeling that maybe he over egged the pudding on destroying Arthur and the Round Table and Briton just because Arthurs pagan half sister duped him into shagging her 50 years ago) decided to give Arthur a choice, if you do not fight tommorrow then you will be spared (Lancelot was speeding from France with an Army). Fight and you will die. Arthur, or so the legend goes decides to fight. He's a bit depressed by this stage.

So When he fights Mordred he will die, even though he gets a complete success. Which is a good example of how a complete success can still leave you dead! :^)


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