Re: Playing Star Wars using HeroQuest

From: L C <lightcastle_at_...>
Date: Wed, 06 May 2009 17:47:51 -0400

Kenrae wrote:

>I'll start a campaign of Star Wars using HeroQuest rules, and I'd like
>some ideas on how to do it.

I think this has been discussed heavily before, and you might want to try looking in the archives.

>Which rules would you use for Jedi powers?


One option is to steal the ideas from one of the other Star Wars games and put Jedi powers into affinites of sorts. (Physical stuff, Mind Control, Moving stuff around)
Would depend on the feel you want. The movies pretty much have people just good at "The Force", but I think other semi-canonical works imply some are better at some aspects than others.

>One thing I'm quite sure
>about is that most people won't have an ability to resist them, so the
>resistance would usually be 14.

In HQ1. You could also say it should be 6, for the general "They have no appropriate stat."

>For the powers themselves I was
>thinking about using direct abilities, but I see one problem; for
>direct attack powers it works, but what about powers like speed and
>the like? Using them only as augments feels weak.

Why would you be unable to use those as direct abilities? "Jedi Speed 5M" seems fine.
Use them as augments when they make sense as augments, use them as main ability when that is appropriate.

i.e. Using your speed to do something speedy -- direct. Using speed to augment another conflict -augment.

I mean, "Precognition" is obviously not an attack power, but I would say it is an active ability when trying to see the future, and maybe an augment on combat abilities if you think that is why they are so good at blocking blaster shots with lightsabers.

As for Darkside, one idea is just give them a darkside stat. Use it to augment anything they want. More they use it, the more you increase it. It makes their lives easier. It's quicker, faster.

Or just let them use any emotional stat of attachment to give bonuses in a similar way.

About the only thing is the idea that the more you use it, the more it calls to you. I'm not sure how to simulate that in a non-arbitrary fashion, but you could make a contest of which each time they lose it increases. (Taking the -1, 10%, 50%, 100% penalty of the HQ1 rules.)


How would you represent the light side / dark side axis?

Sergi D�az


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