Re: Hurts and bumping contests

From: Stephen <stephenmcg_at_...>
Date: Tue, 08 Dec 2009 16:39:47 -0000

>>In the first edition HQ you could, in an extended contest, exchange 
>>7 AP taken for a hurt.

> A great idea (it was mine) but it didn't really work that well in
> practice.

I used it when I ran the cradle scenario in HQ. The waves of lunar troops storming the boat wasn't going to work well (I tested with one of the players who wasn't going to make the game) using the normal approach. Instead of using a large army with high rating against the players I used smaller units but any AP they did was converted to hurts.

The first few waves of troops were mostly easily defeated by the characters but the hurts began to pile up and they quickly began looking for ways off the cradle - they could anticipate the end coming and changed the next contest to trying to escape rather than repelling boarders.

If it did not work well in other places, please accept my grateful thanks for this as it made that evening more dramatic than it might otherwise have been...


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