RE: Introduction "not a bot!" message

From: Matthew Cole <matthew.cole_at_...>
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2011 13:00:03 +0100

Hi Eric!  

Welcome to the HeroQuest list(s)!  

I started off with roleplaying in a very similar way! I'd read LotR, back in the day, and accompanied my brother to a 1st Ed D&D game, which I joined (naming my first character Olorin J) but in the end I found the game system very arbitrary. I discovered Glorantha and RuneQuest whilst at uni and was really grateful later on to discover HeroWars and then HeroQuest; I now play and run HQ2, mainly in Glorantha but have recently run a re-telling of The Hobbit with some different characters.  

I think that HQ2 will allow you to do anything you want to do in Tolkienesque stories. I would offer one caution though - it's easy to think you should treat HQ as you would any other system (e.g. D&D or RuneQuest) but I recommend you don't. Take advantage of the freedom to use a game system to tell a story, instead of just using it to do skill rolls. There are many people on the lists Henk mentioned who will be pleased to answer questions, you may even meet Robin Laws, Jeff Richard or Greg Stafford!  

I'm around if you want to ask anything but I'm away in Germany until June 20th, for the Eternal Con that's held in Bacharach - a convention of roleplayers set at a castle in beautiful Rhineland scenery!  



From: [] On Behalf Of pumpkinheadgiant Sent: 04 June 2011 23:38
Subject: Introduction "not a bot!" message     

Hi all-

My name is Eric, and I'm new to HeroQuest, but not new to role-playing.

I started playing in 1979 when I was eight, being allowed to sit at a table with some college student friends of my mom's. I had just finished my first reading of Lord of the Rings, and dropping into a Wilderlands campaign that had been underway for years was a fertile landscape for my imagination. That experience has inspired and informed my gaming since, as intermittent as it has been.

I played basic and 1E D&D (with 3rd-party "Warlock" supplement), Star Frontiers, Heroes Unlimited, Champions, GURPS, 3.x D&D, Iron Heroes, and most recently 4E D&D.

I like to place my campaigns in the Wilderlands (since Iron Heroes era and forward), and I have so many adventure ideas, but 4E has felt a poor match for the "larger scope" of the style of world I want to foster. The pacing necessary to even scratch the surface of the adventures doesn't correlate to the time in takes to get through tactical combats (as interesting/fun as they are at times).

My intention is to finish reading the HQ2 book that I have, read through the archives on this list, and formulate the scope of the next campaign arc that I run.

Also: currently reading Game of Thrones (now on Clash of Kings). Not sure how relevant this is, but if I were to be honest, I might be yoinking themes/structures from that.

Anyway, thanks for the work of those that have come before me. Hopefully somebody will benefit from my work down the line...


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