Re: Re: grievous wounds; feats; default bid

From: Mikko Rintasaari <mikrin_at_...>
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 04:31:16 +0300 (EET DST)

On Tue, 20 Jun 2000, David Dunham wrote:

> Mikko wrote
> > I do think we at least need to give some descriptions or
> > guidelines for the feats. If for nothing else then for the people who
> > love Glorantha, but use a different game engine to play with.
> That's sure a losing proposition! For my money (and Issaries, Inc.
> does have some of it), they should be supporting their own games, not
> long out of print systems.

Hmm... how about me who runs his Glorantha campaign with a homecooked system stealing from all the good ideas I've come across in my years as a player and a GM? Aren't there people using GURPS, or Pendragonpass out there?  

> > "Sunset Leap enables one to emulate Mastakoses great leap eastward.
> I do wonder why people have this interpretation -- I would think if
> anything it leaps in the direction of the sunset, i.e. west.

The impression is the one I got from the new Glorantha book page 244. It's the only mythical or gloranthan mention I've seen of Orlanthi leaping magic having something to do with the sun.  

>> > Still, there are a handful of feats with really obscure names. Everyone

> > on the list has jumped at explaining Sunset Leap. ;-) The consensus seems
> > to be that it's teleportation.
> I must be in the minority, thinking it's merely a jump. (Though I do
> think its name isn't great.)

I found it quite interesting after finding the reference in the Glorantha book. Good ol Mastakos teleport, but with an interesting spin.  

> > ones I still have no idea at all about are Snarl Darkness
> One of Babeester Gor's Terror feats. Assuming it's written correctly,
> it's not effective *against* darkness, but would be a low snarl that
> makes you so terrified your vision starts closing in.

Oh? I tought it means that the Bab Gori is drawing on the deep earth connection and actually snarling _darkness_... darkness spewing out of her mouth like heavy smoke, and everything starting to get dark.  

> > and Leaping Shield.
> An Orlanth Combat feat. I'd certainly allow this to be used as a
> defensive ability, and it's possibly one of the few that you can
> defend other people with ("The dark troll hurls a boulder at the
> healer." "I toss my Leaping Shield in the way to protect her.")

In an epic Glorantha game I ran on the eve of new year a group of runelords had to go to the Snakepipe Hollow, after a sacred time ritual of the Aldachur city ring was going horribly wrong.

At an intense moment the OA character did his best feat, and spun around, throwing his razor edged shield at the evil sorcerer.

Then one of the players shouted "It's Captain Sartar!" and we had to take a few minute break because I fell over laughing. (and then forbade anybody to ever say that againg during a game :) )

Was inevidable I suppose... *smile*


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