Re: Re: imperial

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001 14:05:27 +1300

Jeffrey Kyer:

>Why key-miles of course. Best of both worlds. Honest. There's
>scatted bits of old (but probably still used) Dara Happan measurement
>systems in the works in progress (Glorious ReAscent, etc)

Not to mention the Yellow Booklet from Troll Gods.

Ket: "from nose to fingertip" roughly about a yard long.

Half-march: "About 10 miles"

Sun Size: The distance in horizon between the (Northern) Peak and

         the (southern) well of Barda, being the measurement of how
         big the sun was when it set.  Used to measure the sky.

Raibanth Rod:  A large water beetle is typically 1.35 rods long.
         A metal crocodile was 3.2 Raibanth Rods in length.  Might
         be equivalent to a metre/yard.

Short Knots: Speed of a water craft.

Rings: measure of precipitation.

Flags: Measure of wind force.

Cloud Cover is measured in hundredths.

Storms are measured according to Jar-Veeshna's Weather Codex and

         there are at least ten sorts.

RSB (Raibanth Short B___?): Measurement of weight of catch.

I.T. (dunno): Measurement of Temperature.

Solar Glm (dunno what Glm is): 718 Solar Glm is the height of

         the Skyfall Wound.

--Peter Metcalfe

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