Re: PC Experience, Power, Roundedness

From: ian_hammond_cooper_at_...
Date: Wed, 02 May 2001 09:05:12 -0000

Charles Corrigan wrote:
> these adventures have taken 2 or more sessions. Our house rule is
> that we get 1 HP at the start of each session but only get the HP
> awards at the end of an adventure.

Though I am currently narrating and am giving HP per session as I expected the episode to last multiple sessions.

Because we rotate narrating (reduces the workload, increases inspiration etc) one 'character' at a time is not gaining experience.

> Where Karath shows my power-gaming tendencies is his 5 followers.

The simple mechanics for handling followers make them so much more viable in HW than in other role-playing games. They are a great way to round-out beginning characters, and provice some extra muscle to small groups.

A narrator who wants to challenge his players has the additional ruse of seperating a hero from his followers. This is classic TV series stuff, challenge a character by putting him in a position where he must act without his usual support. Of course you must not over use it - the player has used some of his 100 words/list options etc on getting followers. A TV series would only pull this stunt once or twice in a season (24 episodes).

I guess that if the narrator wanted to run an interesting challenge against a low-power opponent once the game had been progressing for a while then you could run an episode for a follower. TV series pull this trick too - the spear carrier gets his own star vehicle episode (again this only happens once or twice in a season).

Ian Cooper
PS Yes it is all that talk of episodes and scenes but increasingly I see the genre TV series (or serial fiction) as a good model for structure.

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