Re: Lhankhor Mhy book protection

From: Peter Larsen <plarsen_at_...>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 10:30:46 -0600

At 3:38 PM +0000 3/11/02, bethexton wrote:

>neat characters not variable handwriting. Imagine the same thing,
>written on imperfect sheep hide, with ink that runs and pools
>somewhat, and think of your reading skill when you were about nine
>years old. That is about how I'd imagine it is for the typical LM

        U gotte yt. I also feel that LM's knowing and remembering features need to be played up somewhat, especially for the clans. If there is a legal dispute, no one wants the LM sage to run home, dig through some scraps of bark, decipher the faded scratchings of predecessors, and come up with something. No, they want the LM to stroke his or her beard, hem and haw and say: "Well, the clan has always held that the proper penalty is 5 cows. However, when Harvard the Lean committed a similar offense back when Eorl was Chief, he was fined 7 cows and a sheep for the Allfather because he committed the offense on a feat day. 7 cows and a sheep is proper, young Anulf, and you should be thankful you are getting off with that."

Peter Larsen

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