Re: Using Famous Characters

From: janewilliams20 <jane_at_...>
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 07:03:21 -0000

In the game I'm running (currently on hold: the players would like to restart, but not with HW rules :( ), they have already met a 16- year-old newly initiated Vingan who was so unimportant they never knew that her name was Kallyr. I plan to have them bump into her again, mainly as a means of getting them into trouble. They may well meet some of the various Argraths in the future, too, under similar circumstances.

In games I've played in, Big Name NPCs have been everything from "way up there" names whose minions are obeyed without question, to player characters. And, having tried it, I prefer not to have them as player characters unless the game is a long way into Future History. Knowing that either they survive or History is wrecked limits things to much for my taste.

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