Re: Re: Interpretations of Kinstrife and taboos agains t killing kin

From: Kevin Blackburn <kevin_at_...>
Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 18:58:09 +0100

In article <AB057430670AD411B9D506000000000001A3DB75_at_MB-BP-04>, bernuetz.oliver_at_... writes
>> My instinct, without checking on anything specifically written
>> against it, is that if he's outlawed, he's no longer kin. Therefore,
>> no kinstrife.
>I wouldn't be so sure about that. It's a mistake to view Orlanthi law
>as being that cut and dried. There is always the possibility that
>someone is going to view it as kinstrife whether the relationship has
>been officially severed or not.

Never mind people - kinstrife offers an opening to chaos, which is unlikely to obey Orlanthi legalisms in its choices.

Kevin Blackburn                         Kevin_at_...

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