Re: Euglyptus the Fat

From: giangero <janjero_at_...>
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 13:28:54 -0000

> I assume that although he came from a Solar family (Tatius the
> Bright is his cousin), he was a Dara Happan Lunar (i.e. the
> Dara Happans considered him one of them but everybody else
> considers him a Lunar).

The Assiday of Raibanth family, IIRC.

> AFAIK Euglyptus also manages to make an enemy of Fazzur in 1610
> as a result of the invasion of Pavis. Fazzur had gotten into an
> with SorEel, whereupon Euglyptus (their superior) backed SorEel and
> sacked Fazzur. Normally Fazzur could have called upon the King of
> Tarsh for support but the King had just had a stroke while in an
> and was completely addled.

Let me add something out of my campaign (so IMO, not official, YGWV etc.). Euglyptus made an enemy of Jomes Wulf, too: he envied him and so created a scandal (using a well-paid courtesan woman as the main tool) to force him abandon the army and the political career. Euglyptus married the woman (secretly) and then sent her to seduce Jomes, causing him to fall in disgrace by "discovering" the tresque. So he had an excuse to order Jomes to retire after the Telmori campaign.

Apparently, Euglyptus had a talent to choose his lieutenants well and another one to dispose them off.


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