Re: Humakti mini-comment

From: ian_hammond_cooper <ian_hammond_cooper_at_...>
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 17:49:01 -0000

Greg Stafford wrote:
> I recommend that everyone read Keegan's book on the History of
Warfare to see the differences between the way normal people act and think in battle versus the ones that are going to stand and fight until they die.  

On the topic of Humakti I've always been recommended (I think Benedict Adamson has read it - he might comment) On Killing by Dave Grossman 1/ref=sr_8_1/002-8532665-9536002

which explores what it takes to teach someone to kill with desensitivity training (research suggests that most people, even in combat, find it difficult to kill an enemy they can see. Only about 15% will shoot at the target at close range and its even more difficult in Glorantha where killing means you need to get up real close and personal) and the ramifications to society of teaching someone to kill.

Also look at the killer's in Icelandic Saga such as Gunnar. They are both attractive and repellent at the same time. Odinic berserkers with a strong sense of Germainc wyrd and even comitatus spring to mind for me when I contemplate Humakti. But sometimes I just think of player-character who kills without a concept of the price.

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