Lunar Marriage reference material?

From: bethexton <bethexton_at_...>
Date: Mon, 08 Jul 2002 13:56:19 -0000

Kind list people;

Can anyone point me towards where I could find any material relating to marriage in the lunar empire? Famous marriages, wedding customs, gods/goddesses who protect the sanctity of marriage, etc? (modern lunar empire and/or any of the main constituent cultures DH, Carmanian, whatever) Aside from King of Sartar (obviously not so useful for the lunars) all I really have are various rules books (I'm ashamed I don't even have the intro to Glorantha book from HW, since I bought the other books individually rather than in the deluxe set). I'm thinking I need various background material books, but since I'm more of a Durev than Harst type I'm not able to simply buy everything, I'm looking for the one or two most relevant sources, and would really appreciate suggestions. (For example, The Glorious Ascent of Yelm presumably gives a lot of background on solar mythology, but does it happen to talk about the marriages of the gods in more than a passing manner?)

An answer of "I don't think there are any particularly useful references." Would be of some value too, then at least I'd know I'd better start making stuff up from scratch.



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