Re: Drinking [was: Re: Selling Gloranthacon to non-gamers]

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 10:17:51 -0700

> *cough* *mumble* Cider, eh? *shuffles feet* well, you can get some
> things up here called cider, but they tend to be clear and bubbly,
> nothing at all like the cider I was introduced to in France (from
> Brittany or Normandy). If you think hard cider should be murky and
> thick with flavor I think you'd be disapointed in most of the
> offerings here.

I think it should have a kick :-). I'm easy on whether it has bubbles or not, or if it is thick enough to eat with a fork... I'm used to English and California ciders (Well, California had some good ones until the last drought... I think the apple grove died.)

> Mind you, if you are interested in soft cider, drive an hour up the
> road to Kitchener/Waterloo and go to either the Kitchener or St.

Drive? Me? Not likely....

> Now, if you like wine, the Niagra area wineries are getting to be
> decent, and are also not much more than an hours drive away....but I
> seem to recall you already live in a wine region, so I don't imagine
> you feel like checking out much newer and smaller wineries.

What sort of wine do they produce? I'm a big fan of Sweet Whites (go to Bacharach for a Convention? Sure - it's got the best prices for excellent Rhine going!)

Napa tends towards Chablis, Chardonnay and Red, none of which are my fav's (red excarbates my gout, so it's off the list anyway...)

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